Sunday, August 25, 2013

Using Technology to Make Teaching Easier

Let's face it, teachers have a lot on their plate when it comes to educating the students they have in their classroom. The paperwork seems to pile up and before you know it you completely forgot what was next on your to do list. Last school year I found that using my iPhone in the classroom not only made my life easier but also kept me organized. Here are a few apps I found made my life easier and hopefully they will help you too.

Dropbox is a great way to be able to access your files from anywhere on any device. I can't tell you how many times I forgot my USB drive at home and panicked when I got to work and realized I was unprepared. Now with Dropbox that doesn't happen anymore. All my docs and PowerPoints are available to me anytime. I can even share my files with my colleagues and vice versa! 

The Common Core app is a HUGE help when creating my lesson plans. You can view K-12 Math and ELA standards easily. A must have for every teacher!

Three Ring is basically a digital portfolio. It allows you to create multiple classes with accompanying roster and you can upload photos from your phone and access it from anywhere.

Last school year I had the loudest class ever. They weren't bad they were just loud. We try to evoke conversation from our students but then during independent work we tell them to be quiet. Not fair. I want them to talk and have discussions about things that confuse or intrigue them. They learn better from one another anyway. This year I'm trying out the app Too Noisy. I can hook my iPhone or iPad to the Promethean board and the class can visually see how loud they are being and self monitor. You can adjust the sensitivity of sound also which is really neat. I'll keep you updated on how it fairs with my new class.

Last but not least is my absolute favorite app Class Dojo. As a Special Educator I believe that behavior management in the classroom is just as important as Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. My issue with it was that it could be time consuming to go around and mark behavior charts, give out stickers and not to mention the other kids sometimes get jealous. I can't wait to start a new school year using Class Dojo for the whole class. All of my lovely little 25 munchkins will be positively rewarded and motivated using Class Dojo. Best part is parents can access it and view their child's progress.

Looking forward to a new and exciting year with lots of learning for everyone!

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